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Tue, 09 Jul 24 10:00

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10 years of adcs a country that works for all children academies action for children admissions adolescence adolescent care adoption adoption leadership board age assessment agency social work alternative provision annual conference apprenticeship apprenticeship standards assessments asylum at attainment attendance austerity autumn statement aym bame brexit budget cafcass camhs care care act care leavers care placements care planning care proceedings care review changing the narrative child abuse child protection childcare childhood matters children act children in care children in care council children in need children missing education children's centres children's commissioner children's homes children's improvement board children's trust cma cme collaboration column commissioning communities conference contextual safeguarding coronavirus coronvirus corporate parenting cost of living county lines court orders cpd cqc criminal exploitation crisis placements csa cse csr curriculum cvaa data dcs deprivation devolution dfe discrimination diversity domestic violence and abuse e-safety eapc early help early intervention early years east midlands eastern edge of care edi education education inspection framework education recovery educational achievement educational achievement of children in care ehc ehcp ehe elective home education epc ethnicity eu settlement scheme exclusion exclusions extremism families family justice fco fcyppc fgm forced marriage fostering funding funding gap funding review funing formula gangs general election get involved good practice grammar schools greater london guidance hcanpc hcpc health health and wellbeing boards health visitor high needs high needs block hmip home office home to school transport hometoschooltransport ics ilacs immigration improvement inclusion inclusivity inequalities innovation innovation programme inspection inter-agency fee international child safeguarding intervention ircsc iro jtai key stage kinship kinship care knife crime knowledge and skills statements leadership levelling up lga love lps lscb mandatory reporting markets mash measuring success mental health mentor plus mft migration missing modern slavery naas nao ncasc ncasc18 ncer neglect north east north west nrpf nspcc nts ofsted ons opportunity areas out of area placements parenting partnerships permanence personal advisors pillars & foundations pip placements plo policy policy committees poverty practice pre-proceedings president prevent prevention private law pru public health public law pupil premium raa race racism radicalisation rcc rees regional school commissioners regionalism regions relationships reources research reshuffle residential care resources respite restorative practice restraint riia riias rip role of the dcs rshe rspc safeguarding safeguarding pre safeguarding pressures safeguardng school funding school improvement schools schools causing concern scr section 20 section 7 secure children's homes secure estate select committee send serious violence sgo sif sli social care social media social mobility social work social work england social work evidence template social work reform social workers solace south east south west spending spending review spipc statutory duties statutory guidance staying put stc suicide sure start swe syria takeover day tcsw teachers teaching technology terror attacks trauma troubled families trusts uasc ukraine universal credit unregulated vsh vulnerability wdpc welfare secure wellbeing west midlands what is care for wider workforce workforce working together wpc yorkshire and humber yos young carers youth justice youth offending youth services youth work