Commenting on the latest DfE workforce statistics, Nicola Curley, Chair of ADCS Workforce Policy committee said:
“The latest workforce statistics highlight both progress and ongoing challenges.”
“It is encouraging to see an increase in the overall number of child and family social workers, reflecting a positive trend in recruitment. Being a social worker is one of the most rewarding professions available and can quite literally transform lives.”
“Additionally, it is a positive development that the number of agency children’s social workers in English local authorities has fallen for the first time in seven years. ADCS is confident that the new agency rules, which will take effect in October, will help further reduce the sector's reliance on agency workers enabling us to provide more consistent support to the children and families we work with.”
“Despite these positive trends, the high vacancy rate in some areas continues to be a concern. Many local areas are facing their own pressures, and we need to ensure that national statistics don’t mask this.”
“Whilst the latest figures are largely positive, we should not assume this is ‘job done’ as the sector is under significant pressure.”
“ADCS will continue to work with the Department for Education and others on implementing reforms to ensure they impact positively on children and families and result in the sustainable workforce they both need and deserve.”