Responding to Ofsted’s proposals for fairer education inspections, Andy Smith, President of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services, said:
“Single worded judgements cannot adequately describe a school or a whole system, capture the experiences of every learner or reflect the efforts of teachers, school leaders and governors.
“A scorecard will offer a more nuanced view to parents and carers, particularly when this is read alongside information about the local context, including the characteristics of learners, their outcomes and the profile of the local community that the setting serves.
“The increased focus on support for disadvantaged and vulnerable children and learners, including those with special educational needs, going forward is welcome as is the lens on attendance and inclusion.
“It will be important that the new frameworks speak to the reforms set out in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill in terms of bringing more consistency to pupil experiences, such as requiring all schools to teach the national curriculum and to cooperate with the local authority on admissions. The Association will be considering the consultation over the coming weeks with our members and responding in full.”