Commenting on national EHE and CME statistics, Heather Sandy, Chair of the ADCS Education Policy Committee said:
“Today’s EHE and CME national statistics are stark. We continue to see a year-on-year increase on the number of children no longer in school alongside worrying levels of persistent absence. Schools play an important role in keeping children safe alongside helping them develop academically, socially, and emotionally. We recognise that parents have the right to educate their children at home and that it can be a positive experience, however, we know that for some children this is not the case, yet LAs lack the necessary powers to assure themselves that these children are safe and receiving a suitable education.
“Children go missing from education for many reasons, and there is no way of really knowing if the experiences they are receiving elsewhere are suitable and preparing them for adulthood. We must be clear about identifying and preventing those who are falling through the gaps in education and championing their needs. However, the current school accountability system does not reward the kind of inclusive practice that would allow many of these children and young people to remain in mainstream education.
“We have long raised with government the need for a national register that gives us a full understanding of the number of children who are being educated other than at school. We understand the government remains committed to introducing a register of children not in school, however, it is disappointing that this has not been implemented yet. A register in and of itself will not keep children safe but it will help to establish the true size of this population and to identify children who are vulnerable to harm. We urge government to implement a register at the soonest possibility.”