Amanda Perraton
North West Regional Chair
Director of Children's Services
Warrington Borough Council
Having spent weeks fretting about what to write on my ‘turn’ to blog I realised I will be the last ADCS representative to pen my thoughts before the country takes to the ballot box for the general election. So here goes, my reflections and hopes for the future of our children!
This election presents a pivotal moment for our communities, particularly for the children and families we serve. ADCS has been bold in laying out a potential blueprint which any incoming government would be wise to consider and embrace in the recent ‘Childhood Matters’ policy position paper.
My own hopes and aspirations for the next five years are boundless and would amount to more of a dissertation than a ‘blog’. So, here are a few of my asks of the incoming government:
- I want to see a real shift to preventative support, putting early help on a statutory footing, and investing in the vital early years. We all know the evidence of the long-term benefits secured from investing well in the formative years
- Addressing the mental health needs of our children is also high up there as a priority – breaking down the barriers between social care, community health and NHSE (tier 4) to ensure a joined-up approach
- An incoming government will need to tackle, head on, child poverty and the pervasive effects of this on family life. Good housing, fair wages and the ability to provide for your family ought to be a basic entitlement – imagine if in five years we can stop our families - and staff in some circumstances - relying on food banks
- I hope as a Wave 2 Families First for Children Pathfinder in Warrington to work with the future government to strengthen our safeguarding system, to find new ways of practice that are solution focussed and strengths based. I am confident we can – together with required investment – deliver a much-improved service that improves the lives of children and families
- Please, please, please stop profiteering from the care of our most vulnerable children.
I could go on, but I had better stop! I will await the outcome of the country’s votes during the early hours of Friday 5 July – and hope to hear from a future Minister at our forthcoming ADCS Annual Conference in Manchester to see if my hopes and aspirations are mirrored by their intent.