2024 Policy Committee Meetings

All members of ADCS are eligible to join and contribute to the work of our national policy committees. This is where we consider all aspects of children’s services policy and practice. Our national committees also lead on the development of consultation responses and submissions of evidence to select committee inquiries as well as ADCS policy position papers. Some meetings join up two committees to discuss shared areas of interest. Additional ad-hoc meetings may be arranged to consider evolving issues.

Meetings primarily take place online and are 1.5 – 2 hours. In 2024 we plan to have at least one face-to-face meeting involving each policy committee.

Educational Achievement looks at all aspects of education from the early years to FE, skills and training plus assessment, school improvement and standards.

Meeting dates -  25 July; 7 November (with SPI PC)

Families, Communities & Young People covers multi-agency working, safeguarding, youth work, youth justice, child poverty, family justice, preventative services and the early years.

Meeting dates -  7 August; 30 October.

Health, Care & Additional Needs looks at all forms of permanence, SEND and the health and wellbeing of children and families.

Meeting dates - 12 September, 13 November

Resources & Strategy covers all aspects of funding for children’s services, commissioning, school place planning, capital and admissions.

Meeting dates - 15 August (with SPI PC); 12 November (with Workforce PC)

Standards, Performance & Inspection covers the breadth of inspection activity, Regional Improvement and Innovation Alliances, intervention, data and performance management.

Meeting dates -  15 August (with R&S); 7 November (with Education PC)

Workforce takes in professional standards and registration, training, qualifications and workforce planning.

Meeting dates – 5 September;  12 November (with RS PC)

We’re particularly keen to diversify regional representation on our national groups so that our engagements with government, and others, accurately reflect the state of play in local areas as they develop new policies and guidance, for example. If you would like to find out more about a specific group, please get in touch with the ADCS team for more information info@adcs.org.uk

ADCS Meetings & Events

For ADCS meeting and event enquiries, please contact Rebecca Denny at rebecca.denny@adcs.org.uk  | T: 0161 513 4299