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Tue, 09 Jul 24 10:00

Change is everyone's responsibility

Change these days usually goes hand-in-hand with budget cuts and, very often, some sort of compromise because of tough decisions needing to be made. Time runs away and we feel we’re constantly on a treadmill, embarking on making more changes before the ones we originally agreed have had time to get to fruition. Anyone else exhausted? There are not many weeks when I don’t feel as though I am meeting myself coming backwards, however, I remain an incredibly positive person. Ideally, I would want to reclaim “change” as the enabler it can be, and that we were all taught it should be on our various leadership courses, and more importantly change as a concept that I feel in control of…at least some of the time.

There is nothing worse than being done to and consequently feeling decidedly powerless; I suppose this is one of the reasons why I put myself forward to be an ADCS Board Member – a huge thank you to everyone who voted! A couple of months ago I was part of a group conversation with ADCS President, Steve Crocker, about the lack of diversity and representation within our Association. So, I made a decision to not stay on the side line, but instead grab the opportunity to have an active voice in ADCS and put myself forward to hold a seat on the ADCS Board of Directors as an Elected Director. Collectively, whether elected or not, the Association is our ADCS and it’s up to us all to define how strong, representative, and diverse it can be…but we must actively participate for that change to happen.

Surprise surprise, I haven’t got loads of spare time, nobody has, but I do feel this is important. I have a strong sense of public duty and a strong sense of wanting to be part of collective change - for the better, for us as professionals across our many sectors, and for the children and families we work with. If I can be part of active change, even in a small way, then I feel it is my responsibility to at least try. So, here I am at the start of my journey joining a team of talented and aspirational individuals. I have high expectations of myself so it will be interesting to see if I feel as optimistic in 12 months’ time or indeed what I have been able to meaningfully contribute to. Either way, that will be on me and no one else.

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